Just a few years ago, the web was nothing more than a tool. However,
with Web 2.0, a vital change in how people see and surf the web is
taking place. No longer is the web just a tool, society itself is
becoming a part of the Internet.
Whoah! hold on a second? Are you saying we're entering into a "Matrix" era?
Well the answer to that is yes and no. In essence, it is a new way of
communicating with people across the world in a more personal way than
ever before. Instead of calling, texting, emailing, having a meeting
ect, people are communicating their thoughts and ideas via the Internet.
Just think of the Internet as the new "phone." Web 2.0 is a movement
toward a more interactive and social web that allows people to reach out
and interact with people on a more social level. This is achieved
through blogs and social media sites
that individuals, groups, and businesses use to connect with people on a
more personal level than was ever thought possible via the Internet.
Websites need to be easy to use and navigate so the websites themselves
do not become an obstacle. Clean website design and easy to navigate
pages further the efforts of Web 2.0 and can help make your site more
useful, not just for you, but for you customers as well.
Things like RSS feeds, good web services and content management systems, like Dot Net Nuke allow the end-user to easily participate and interact with their web site help integrate sites into the Web 2.0 world.