There are few sports that allows one individual to flourish completely on their own. For football, you have a fifty two man roster and a coaching and training staff nearly half of that. Go to other extreme in tennis where sure you have a swing coach and some trainer; but once you step on the court it is just you and your opponent little or no outside help. Luckily for PGA strategy, golfers have their trusty and wise caddy at their disposal for the duration of the tournament.
Now being a caddy is by no means a glamorous or easy job. For the PGA tour, caddies are required to carry the golfer's bag for the entirety of the course. Lugging a golfer’s clubs for four and a half hours through the humidity at Augusta and you would find yourself questioning what you got yourself into in the first place. At the end of the day, the caddy isn’t going to win the trophy or get the big check. Instead, they are the sturdy rock their golfers and friends look to lean on when selecting the proper club on a tween chip shot on the 17th hole in the final round.
The Draftkings PGA fantasy value of a caddy’s impact on a golfer’s game can not be quantified. Instead, their value lies deep in the bond and their motivation for the player to utilize the competitive advantage. At the end of the day, a better golfer’s talent will prevail over a witty caddy. Without the use of a caddy, golf wouldn’t be the same. These men are commodities to the game as they enhance almost every aspect in fantasy analysis. While they are not able to stand up there and accept the large check at the end of the weekend, they still end up in the victory clubhouse.