Hiring a small business marketing consultant is not a waste of money. Sure, you don't want to spend any more cash than you absolutely have to to make your business successful, but there are certain things you simply cannot do on your own. When you bring a consultant on board, many of these things get taken care of and your business' market share improves at the same time.
Imagine trying to launch a new line of products that direct compete with another company. You can't just take the competition head on without some help in the marketing department. No one will know who you are or what your product line is if the marketing isn't any good.
Bringing in a small business marketing consultant helps you to keep your marketing at or under budget, and it also helps you to use your position as a small business as a selling point for customers. There is a marked difference between the big corporations and your small business. You cannot take advantage of that if you don't have someone helping you to make that position a positive one.
When your small business marketing consultant begins to attend to your needs, you want them to show you what to do and how to do it. Yes, you have to have input, but you also need to allow them to take your business in a direction that it's never been before. Most of the time, a consultant has ideas that no one in the office has ever thought of.
When you shell out the cash to hire a small business marketing consultant, you will get the chance to write off a business expense that will pay dividends for years to come. Not only will the position of your business improve in the marketplace, but you will also find that you continually get new customers whether you have new products out or not.
A small business consultant doesn't just pay off today. Hiring one of these marketing professionals pays off when it's time for you to hand the business off to your children.