The cornerstone of a successful sales campaign is an excellent collection of marketing materials. Regardless of whether a meeting involves one small client or a host of potential clients at a trade show, it is crucial for sales professionals to be properly equipped to showcase their products. Key elements of a sound marketing package include catalogues, product fact sheets and electronic brochures. Other items that can enhance a marketing campaign include product displays or billboards, postcards and small trinkets that feature the company or product name.
One of the most commonly requested marketing materials is the catalogue. This is particularly true when a company has an expansive and varied product inventory. A concise catalogue should contain photos and key pieces of information about the most popular products supplied by a company. Some catalogues include pricing information and important part numbers that can facilitate the ordering process for both the customer and the product supplier. While a catalogue sometimes is not as comprehensive as a company's website, it is sometimes a more convenient tool for certain customers who prefer to be able to flip from one page to another or view items side by side.
Product fact sheets are often just as important to customers as catalogues. In many cases, customers are only interested in one or two key products and they do not need an entire product catalogue. Fact sheets are typically concise one page color brochures that contain at least one photo of the advertised product along with key selling points designed to steer the customer toward a purchase. Fact sheets are perfect for customers who are considering the purchase of one or two items in particular and who perhaps want to have some information to share with their associates before making a purchasing decision.
Electronic brochures are very similar to fact sheets but they exist in a downloadable format on a company's website. When customers are browsing products online and is interested in learning more about a particular item, they can download the electronic fact sheet and read it. They can also send the electronic brochure to others via electronic mail or may print a hard copy of the brochure for others.
Other marketing materials which can effectively promote goods or services include trade show displays, billboards and personalized trinkets. Trade show displays and billboards are often large and are designed to be erected outdoors or in an assembly hall for easy viewing by customers. And personalized trinkets containing a company logo are the perfect addition to a marketing package because customers always seem to enjoy receiving free items, especially during trade shows. Trinkets commonly provided by companies include personalized pens, magnets, cups and t-shirts.